Class Flickr Group
Please join this Flickr Group so we can share our work!
Class Sept 9
Here’s a link to the slides we looked at…
We also looked at some different lenses and talked about the differences. I forgot to show the difference between a full frame and cropped sensor image size but I will do that next week.
We also learned a little more about editing in Lightroom including using the adjustment brush:
For next week you should be through Chapter 5 in the book and bring the Depth of Field and Composition shots.
Videos for Sept 2
Some videos to go along with class tonight.. if you missed tonight, we covered a lot of material. These will help you get caught up.
Here’s a good video explaining shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.
Manual mode video:
Importing in Lightroom:
Class Flickr Group
Hey folks, please join the Flickr Group and feel free to add your favorite photos as we go along this semester.. here is the link:
Digital Photo Fall 2014 Flickr Group
From there you’ll also be able to find classmates and follow them on Flickr. (You can also find classmates on my contacts page here)
Welcome Fall 2014
Hello! Welcome to Principles of Digital Photography. This website will be our home base for class assignments, handouts, videos, links, etc.
Looking forward to our first day.
Thanks for a great semester! I appreciate all the hard work and creativity on assignments. Have a good break… if anyone is on instagram, find me at alangager.
July 17 Photoshop lessons
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Text Exercise
Lawnmower image (save it to desktop!)
Grass image (save it to desktop!)
It will look something like this when you are done:
My explanation was a little messy.. here are a couple videos to help:
July 8 handout
Selecting a silhouette and changing the background.. (this is the first draft so we’ll see if I forgot any steps!!)